Hard Lessons in the Importance of Backups: JournalSpace Wiped Out
I’m just reading about this now. I didn’t use JournalSpace, but I feel very bad for them and for their members who used their service. Especially since it seems to be due to a disgruntled ex-employee. But, the fact remains that they should have had backups in place.
I’ve learned first-hand not to rely on RAID as a backup. I now do incremental backups every night and I do a full backup every week. And I have my photos and video backed up to DVDs in a fireproof safe. I do need to make copies of the DVDs for off-site storage, and I need to do that soon.
I hope everyone realizes how important backups are. Especially people who use a digital camera and store their pictures on their computer. Disk drives WILL fail, it’s just a question of when. And when they do, if you don’t have a backup, you’ll lose all your data and pictures. So, BACKUP YOUR COMPUTER ON A REGULAR BASIS!.
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